It seems even the protectors of public decency re-invent themselves every so often. Below, linked through the image, is an article from The Punch, a News Ltd owned online-only opinion and 'current affairs' site which has potential, but is pretty consistently crap. Except for Leigh Sales. Its especially crap when taking the moral high ground, in this case Fiona Hudson of the Hearld-Sun reporting on 'CTCV' a shady group of anti-graffiti vigilantes who take it upon themselves to deface illegally painted 'pieces' all over Melbourne's train lines.
Articles like this invite two kind of comments; the 'hang the little buggers high' variety and the 'it's pretty, they put work into it' reply. What we should really be asking ourselves is why does this matter so to these vigilantes? Why are they, like the artists they wish to annoy, running around at night committing crimes? If they want to make Melbourne better why don't they join rotary or something. Is it the thrill of it? I can imagine an old writer with ink-strained hands scratching his wispy goatee looking at his freshly defaced work musing out loud "we're not so different you and I..." However the most interesting question we should be asking is why have they changed their name? I remember back in the day when it was 'CTSA' inflicting their 'revenge' on old-school burners from the likes of Paris below.
Cops and Transits Slashing Art was one rumoured explanation of the old acronym. If it really is individuals within Connex, the train network 'service provider', behind CTCV, I bet those involved have been doing it on company time. It would help explain why the system is so shitty. Even revenge has been privatised and re-branded now.
...Paris and Bank piece photographed by Joe
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