Saturday, October 10, 2009


As I was reminded the other day; its Rocktober and even though rock hardly needs it's own month in order to celebrated around here, I figured as a project I'd chuck up a rockin' Aussie film clip each day this week.

Regretably I wan't able to go the reformation yesterday but as a really cool entry to Roctober here's The Stems' grooviest take on garage rock 'Tears Me In Two'. This video was provided by the kind hearted 'NZOZ' who must have converted hours of tape of 'Rage' and has uploaded to youtube decades of great Aussie and Kiwi rock organised into channels for each year. Cheers NZOZ, here's hoping you're having a great Rocktober!

On a related note it has allways bothered me that rage never shows the song titles at the end as well as the begginning of each clip. Here's their lame excuse for those who too have wondered why:

"Because rage is a very long show and is broadcast ‘live to air’ this makes it technically difficult to title the start and end of each clip. rage tries to have as little interference with the video as possible so that it can be enjoyed the way the creators intended!"

Less annoying since we have the internet I suppose.


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